The October Solutions magazine will be our 100th issue.
Over the past 10 years, Solutions has offered a more creative, more friendly, more exciting, more added value opportunity for all in the graphic arts supply chain to promote their products and services.
Over the last ten years, we have been pleased to present many firsts too – not only within graphic arts magazines, and not only within business magazines, but sometimes the first to showcase an idea of any magazine, anywhere.
This level of personal service and bespoke ideas has meant that those included in the magazine are noticed, positively spoken about and reacted to. Solutions quite simply is a brilliant way to get your message across.

Whether it is print or paper, packaging or design, finishing or inks, creative solutions or sustainability, wide format or direct mail, and much, much more – there is really only one Solution that you need.
If you would like to be involved with out 100th celebration issue, please contact David on
07711 004558, or e-mail,