Packaging Solutions Green Solutions
According to annual data published by the Environment Agency, the UK’s aluminium packaging recycling rate was a record 68% in 2021, with more than 156,000 tonnes collected for recycling (a 3% rise year on year). More than four in five beverage cans were recycled last year (82%) – matching the previous record set in 2020.
Tom Giddings, executive director at Alupro, commented: ‘It is pleasing news indeed to report yet another record breaking year for aluminium packaging recycling. While the total UK market size grew, recycling rates kept pace. More importantly still, the vast majority of material was collected through kerbside, bring and on the go systems, which maximised the potential for closed loop recycling.
‘In 2020, recycling rates shot up across the board, driven in the main by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, resulting national lockdowns and mandatory working from home guidance. Many suggested that 2021 would see a natural drop in rates, due to gradually easing restrictions, so it is positive to see that consumers continued to recycle their aluminium packaging in 2021 and maintained their good habits.
‘Looking forward to the first quarter of 2022, we hope to see record rates continuing, reflecting the positive trends of 2021. With higher, more ambitious national targets, we are pleased to be moving ever closer towards a 100% recycling rate for aluminium packaging.
‘As we do so, communication will prove ever more pivotal in maintaining consumer engagement and maximising positive recycling behaviours. This is a key point included within our Aluminium Manifesto, which was released in March and calls for fundamental change in the UK’s approach to packaging and waste management.’
To access the latest aluminium packaging recycling data, visit the National Packaging Waste Database (NPWD).
