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Global beauty company eliminates plastics in transit packaging

Packaging Solutions

Antalis Packaging has helped a leading beauty company to switch to entirely paper based packaging for the distribution of its haircare products in the UK. The move is part of wider sustainability targets to remove all plastic from its transit packaging supply chain and to use FSC certified products where possible.

The client’s existing packing process involved the use of plastic airs sacs, stored in large hoppers above the packing stations. After gaining a clear understanding of the scale and scope of the requirement to eliminate plastic, the Antalis Packaging machinery team proposed a trial installation of a Fillpak TT production unit alongside its existing system, enabling the client to test it out before committing to buy.

Fillpak TT, by Ranpak, is a flexible, portable void fill system. Fan mfolded kraft paper sheets are crumpled in the converter to form the filling material while a foot pedal is used to dispense the right amount of material to fill voids when packaging goods. The convertor is portable and can be set up exactly where required.

To further support the company’s sustainability goals, Antalis recommended switching to an easy tear, high quality, acid free crêpe paper tape to seal cartons, and changing to FSC certified cartons.

Following a five week trial period the client was delighted with the Fillpak TT unit, deciding to purchase four units. It also implemented the recommended changes to the tape and cartons.

Further benefits have been achieved through the saving of space on site. The compact size and portability of Fillpak TT has freed up space around the packing area, making it easier for packers to work – and socially distance. Antalis also holds the client’s packaging materials in stock, delivering it to them on a just in time basis, which has freed up considerable warehouse space.

Antalis Packaging regional sales manager Alan Frampton commented, ‘The client’s goal was to eliminate plastics from their transit packaging by the end of 2020 and because we were able to run the trial and then install the machines and get supplies of the paper tape and new FSC certified boxes organised quickly, it was able to meet its target easily.

‘The removal of the large hoppers holding the plastic air sacs has also allowed more light into the packing area, making it a much pleasanter environment to work in. Plus, because the Fillpak TT is a portable unit, it can be moved about to where it is needed most, adding flexibility to the packing line.’


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