Packaging Solutions
Pre-press partner to the label and packaging print sector, Creation Reprographics, has commented on the refreshed role of reprographics in packaging design, as brands pivot towards a more sustainable print supply chain.
Creation, which partners with printers and converters to deliver high quality reprographic services, has used its insights to the packaging design and print sector to outline how brands are using reprographics more strategically in support of wider sustainability targets.
Matt Francklow, managing director at Creation, said: ‘We all know the trials and tribulations of the packaging sector over the past year, but we are currently looking ahead to a serious uplift in innovation. For printers, the sole focus on volume and efficiency is set to soften and ‘greener’ design and production put back into focus, reflecting the restored consumer interest in eco friendly packaging.
‘Significantly, we are seeing a fresh role for reprographics in printers’ sustainability strategies. Far beyond ‘just’ colour management, engaging tactile finishes, control of half tones, inks, finishes and other intricate prepress variables, reprographics can proactively help to create a more effective and sustainable packaging and label supply chain. Ahead of critical changes such as the net zero carbon targets, an effective repro partner can help to reduce waste, in terms of material, energy, time and cost and underpin sustainability efforts.’

The business also commented on some of the exciting flexographic technology available to printers, which underlines where pre-press can support sustainability development.
Matt continued, ‘One of the most exciting opportunities on the table for printers is the chance to finally give solvents the boot. We all saw the spiralling cost of solvents as ethanol was diverted to sanitisation applications – but with today’s plate technology, solvents can be surplus to requirements. We champion Asahi AWP water washable flexo plates that cut harmful VOC washout entirely out of the equation.
‘What our customers find, time and again, is that on top of reducing energy use and CO2 output in the packaging and label supply chain, the plates boost quality and consistency with ‘Pinning Technology for Clean Transfer’, unlocking kiss-touch printing pressures and enhanced repeatability.’
Creation puts sustainable principles at the forefront of its business, helping printers to integrate greener technologies into their print operations. The company has previously issued its Project Zero commitments, which combine an enhanced and better optimised packaging and label pre-press with heightened environmental awareness at both a corporate and individual level.
Matt concluded, ‘Like much of the packaging and label sector, we are in a great position to rethink sustainability. Consumers want more holistically responsible packaging, which means that the supply chain choice must be just as environmentally focused as the substrate selection. We are seeing reprographics take a more central role, which is extremely encouraging for the future of packaging design and print.’