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Insitu Group trebles capacity with UK and Ireland first for Durst P5 350

Packaging Solutions

Insitu Group has become the UK and Ireland’s first user of Durst’s P5 350 all in one hybrid solution for flexible roll and board printing. This is the centrepiece of a major investment that takes quality and productivity into a new era, as well as opening up new markets.

Unattended overnight production, five layer printing options and multi roll track systems mean more than one customer job can be run at the same time at different speeds – these are among the major benefits of the P5.

Damian Loach, Insitu Group’s managing director, said: ‘The P5 is amazing and provides the highest single output of any machine by far. It has trebled capacity. Previously we were losing out on jobs because operational times are now so demanding. You have to be extremely reactive. Often it is a next day delivery requirement.

‘That is one of the reasons why unattended printing is so useful. We can produce 600 square metres overnight. Another really important feature is the multi track roll function where orders from more than one customer jobs can be printed at the same time in varying volumes. The Durst Print Workflow software and the monitoring tool Durst Analytics are also key to our success. We can achieve so much more output, thanks to automated functions. The P5 has added to our original printers, giving us a further 178 metres an hour, upping our capacity to 500 metres per hour. This gives us control and capacity with tight timeframes without having to outsource or rely on others.’

The four colour with white option P5 is the cornerstone of Leicester based Insitu Group’s print division, Intoprint Digital, which also boasts extensive cutting and finishing capabilities.

Damian added, ‘Delivering high levels of service in specific time frames is key. We have had an amazing experience with Durst and the support of local engineers is great too. We are really proud to become the first company in the UK and Ireland to receive the P5 and be at the cutting edge of technology. This is the best technology platform available. Despite these uncertain times, we are glad we invested and are confident of future growth where we expect our print business to grow rapidly in the next few years.

‘We spent a lot of time searching for what we feel is the best machine on the market, with quality foremost as we have a reputation for providing a second to none service with some of the world’s most famous brands in retail, clothing and cosmetics markets. Now we are confident of being able to expand our offerings in much bigger markets. Print is relevant to all our business, getting brand awareness out there in the eyes of the consumers has always been key. The significance of the five layer option is that it is essential to world brands, keeping suppliers the same around the globe.’

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