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IST Metz has launched an app based UV measuring device that allows users to independently check the quality of their UV aggregates at any time. The app can be downloaded free of charge. The starter kit includes the UV Analyzer Stick with reference white, charging cable, lanyard as well as measuring strips.

The UV Analyzer is suitable for any application where UV dose is of interest and is not accessible with conventional meters. The app displays dose measurements in terms of UV unit type and spectrum, which works for both UV and LED. The UV Analyzer also allows for the fact that UV measurement strips do not have uniform sensitivity across the entire UV range. The reference curves relating to aggregate type and spectrum take this aspect into account and enable a precise measured value allocation. In addition, each stick is normalised to a certain standard. These measures ensure high measurement quality.
The measurement is simple: Stick the measuring strip onto the substrate and irradiate it with UV. Depending on the irradiation dose, the measuring strip turns dark blue. Pair the stick with the app via Bluetooth and measure within 15 minutes. To do this, users select the appropriate unit in the app and can enter additional measurement parameters, such as unit number, operating hours, speed and distance to the substrate. The app displays the measured UV dose in mJ/cm². This dose value can be compared with your reference. Reference values for the UV Analyzer are determined directly by you on site when the system is new. The measured values can then be exported from the app for quality assurance and documentation.