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Mail stakes its claim as ‘Super Touchpoint’ with the release of new JICMAIL paper

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JICMAIL has released a report entitled ‘Mail: The Super Touchpoint’ highlighting the latest evidence that the mail channel (including direct mail, door drops, partially addressed mail and business mail) has Super Touchpoint planning strengths as a platform for attracting consumer attention, deepening customer relationships and igniting household conversations.


Launched at its annual conference at PwC, the organisation has consulted a cross-section of industry experts from a diverse set of agencies, advertisers, industry bodies and effectiveness experts (including Barclaycard, People’s Postcode Lottery, MGOMD, VML, System1 and the IPA) to explore both the current challenges faced in the world of multichannel campaign planning, and mail’s role in the increasingly fragmented media landscape. The industry experts agreed that:

  • Challenges related to low transparency in the digital supply chain, lack of big platform inter-operability, declining creativity and ad saturation are amongst many issues that make touchpoints based planning harder than ever.

  • To enable more seamless and effective touchpoints based planning (ie planning decisions which transcend simple media channel selection and acknowledge that channel effectiveness is context, time, location, mind set and need state specific), marketers must strive to include Super Touchpoints in their plans as much as possible.

  • A Super Touchpoint channel enables marketers to merge audience first planning with a cut through behavioural or creative insight, to deliver disproportionately effective outcomes for consumers and brands alike.

  • A Super Touchpoint creates deeper emotional connections with consumers; delivers a stimulating sensory experience that attracts attention; provides advertisers with a platform for brand storytelling and/or inspires consumers to start a conversation.

  • Any channel can be a Super Touchpoint. If it conforms to best practice measurement; has the tools available to create a genuine and surprising customer insight; and has the potential to drive impact at all stages of the purchase cycle, then it should encourage marketers to think about a disproportionately large investment to drive disproportionately effective outcomes.


The report provides the tools and frameworks to evaluate channels using a STEP rating (Super Touchpoints Evaluation Points) and recommends that planners iterate on this approach and tailor it to their specific needs.


While any channel has the potential to be a Super Touchpoint, in the same report, JICMAIL has used this opportunity to take a fresh look at data compiled from eight years of mail measurement on its panel of 1100 UK households. Combined with campaign level data benchmarks from its Response Rate Tracker, plus rebooted mail circulation data published by Nielsen the case for mail’s role as a Super Touchpoint channel is compelling:

  • Mail attracts consumer attention: each year, mail is engaged with by consumers for the equivalent of 10,000 years. Attention is strongly linked to commercial outcomes and in last full calendar year tracked by JICMAIL, the proportion of mail prompting a purchase has increased by 35% to 8.4% of mail items overall.

  • Mail is found to be disproportionately effective for some of the largest brand advertisers in the UK, although the effectiveness of the channel for smaller businesses continues to grow: 10.7% of door drop from local tradespeople results in a commercial outcome from the advertiser.

  • Mail deepens customer relationships. The return of investment of direct mail in the retail sector targeted at existing customers increased by 32% to £7.80 in the last full calendar year tracked.

  • The advent of programmatic mail enables the mail channel to fulfil the same role as many digital activation channels by triggering the delivery of a mailer designed to encourage transactions to take place amongst customers who have abandoned their shopping carts halfway through the purchase process. A potential ceiling of £304,000 is available to the average advertiser through abandoned shopper carts.

  • Mail ignites household conversations. As a trusted channel that it is privacy-centric, brand conversations prompted by mail are growing. In 2024 (Q1-Q3) 17.5% of mail prompted a conversation – up from 15.8% two years prior.


Mail’s Super Touchpoint strengths lie in its ability to have impact throughout the purchase journey, with formats and solutions available at each stage of the traditional planning loop. Furthermore, the ‘Mail: The Super Touchpoint’ report builds out the channel’s credentials as a highly measurable and transparent channel for marketers with the launch of JICMAIL+.


JICMAIL+ enables advertisers to seed the JICMAIL panel with different versions of their campaign creative to report on the key metrics of reach, frequency, lifespan, attention and commercial impact at a campaign level. Combined with creative, audience and attribution insights, marketers have more tools than ever to measure and optimise mail campaign performance.


Engagement director Mark Cross said, ‘In a digitally driven ecosystem, delivering a genuine value exchange at every moment of contact with audiences is at the centre of good communications planning in 2025. It becomes more critical than ever to identify and plan behind those touchpoints which are delivering disproportionate effect across the desired consumer journey and so we are delighted to surface the concept of a Super Touchpoint in this report as a useful tool for planners and advertisers in support of that endeavour.’



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