Paper Solutions
In October 2021, Mohawk Fine introduced Paper With a Plan: A new attribute driven approach to specifying paper.
The company refined and reorganised its paper portfolio into five distinct collections that help make choosing paper by its properties and attributes easier. Mohawk’s paper grades are now grouped into the Beautiful, Sustainable, Expressive, Elevated, and Practical Collections.

Mohawk Collections eliminate the guesswork behind paper specification giving you a simpler, more straightforward way to think about paper.
The Beautiful Collection comprises papers that offer the highest quality materials, consistency, and uniformity. They inspire great design and printing with their superb formation, lush tactility, and timeless appeal.
And now, specifying Mohawk’s Beautiful papers is easier than ever with the release of the Beautiful Collection swatchbook and ‘Make a Memory’ inspiration piece.

The new swatchbook features the entire Beautiful Collection of papers which includes Mohawk Superfine and Mohawk Options. Beautiful Collection papers are manufactured with FSC certified pulps, using renewable energy credits (RECS) from Green-e certified energy sources. Every colour, texture, and basis weight available within the Beautiful Collection is represented across three waterfalls of paper swatches. The new swatchbook also features stock listings, in-depth paper information including physical properties, technical notes, and specific printing resources. The cover is printed on Mohawk Superfine, Smooth, White, 130 Double Thick Cover. Details pages are printed on Mohawk Options, Navajo Smooth, Brilliant White, 80 Text. While the Collection swatchbooks are tactical in nature, the company is launching a new series of smaller scale inspiration pieces to excite and educate the design community. The new design series is a nod to Mohawk’s Maker Quarterly’s approach to storytelling centered around a singular idea or concept. In this instance, The Beautiful Collection celebrates ‘Make a Memory’, which tells the story of Lost Art Salon, a San Francisco based gallery specialising in the rediscovery of historically significant artists who have been lost to time. Lost Art Salon curates fine art – unique paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, and objects – from lesser known artists who co-owners Gaetan Caron and Rob Delimiter find historically and aesthetically significant.
‘Make a Memory’ weaves the narrative of Lost Art Salon alongside a breakdown of the attributes that make the Beautiful Collection of papers, specifically Mohawk Superfine, the only suitable paper to tell this story due to its unique properties. ‘We are excited to launch both of these tools as part of our Paper With A Plan campaign. Showcasing the Beautiful Collection along with the work of Lost Art Salon felt true to the legacy of the brands. We believe that the history of art can be rewritten and that beauty, however obscure, should always endure,’ said shared Melissa Stevens, chief revenue officer for Mohawk.
‘Make a Memory’ is printed on Superfine, Eggshell, Softwhite, 80 Cover and demonstrates metallic ink, dense blacks, and four colour process along with stunning artwork.
