Packaging Solutions
As part of its ongoing work to raise awareness about the benefits of recycling aluminium packaging, Alupro has launched an educational video taking viewers behind the scenes of the post consumer journey – from recycling bin through to reprocessing.
Narrated by irreverent sports commentator Nick Heath, ‘Secrets of Aluminium’ gives an entertaining insight into the circular process, while dispelling a number of common myths and profiling the UK’s thriving aluminium supply chain.
To ensure the film is shared far and wide, a supporting social media awareness campaign will be run across Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, while 3D artist and motion graphic designer Hashmukh Kerai has also been enlisted to create an animated interpretation of the journey.
Tom Giddings, executive director of Alupro, commented: ‘The aluminium packaging recycling process may be common knowledge for the supply chain, but consumers are still widely unaware of what happens to their waste once it leaves the kerbside. As a result, there is a fair amount of misinformation and scepticism about how much packaging collected in the UK is actually recycled.

‘Secrets of Aluminium aims to dispel the myths and highlight the infinite circularity of metal packaging. After all, 75% of all aluminium ever produced is still in use today – a fascinating statistic that highlights precisely why consumers should follow best practice recycling guidelines.
‘But rather than a dry, dull educational film, we wanted to make it entertaining and engaging for people to watch. Recycling isn’t boring or stale, so having the quirky commentary of Nick Heath will bring a fun twist – aiming to inspire viewers, increase awareness of the process think twice about what to do with their used aluminium packaging.’

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