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Landmark 100th Contiweb Ecoset sold

Web Offset Solutions

Contiweb has announced that it has sold 100 Ecoset dryers – the latest having been shipped to a printer in the United States.

The Ecoset dryer is the cornerstone of Contiweb’s portfolio for web offset and for commercial printing applications. It is a hot air dryer that covers the full range from 16-page up to 96-page (1020 to 2860 mm) applications. The key functions of drying, afterburning, and chilling are integrated in a single unit. The afterburner incinerates the solvents from the ink to minimise emissions and CO2 footprint whilst the gained thermal energy is effectively reused in the heating process, reducing gas consumption up to 60%. Optionally, electrical power consumption in production mode can be significantly reduced, again minimising emissions, CO2 footprint and costs.

Since its introduction in 2000, the Ecoset platform has been embraced by the industry and continuously further developed. Along with the 100th Ecoset, a total of nearly 1000 ecological and cost saving Contiweb dryers with integrated afterburner technology have been installed around the world.


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