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Connect to a Smart Factory

Print Solutions

With Finishing 4.0 and the Connex workflow system, Muller Martini is making smart factories a reality for customers around the world. The company will be presenting concrete business cases and inspiring examples at drupa 2020 in Düsseldorf.

The smart factory is already a reality in the graphic arts industry. The numerous customer projects that have been implemented demonstrate the enormous potential of a networked printer. The biggest drivers here are the new business models. The desire for personalisation, the photobook boom, applications such as web to print and print on-demand require networked production processes.

With the smart factory, production processes, the flow of materials and the exchange of data are optimally integrated. Unnecessary steps are eliminated, sources of errors are avoided and everything that can reasonably be automated is. There is no longer a focus on individual production islands, but rather on the optimisation of entire business processes. As a result, even ultra short runs can be produced cost effectively.

This sort of switch requires learning and new ways of thinking because it changes processes in nearly every area of the company. The most important thing is for the company to know its strengths and know how it wants to develop further. The experience of Muller Martini's specialists with a number of projects has shown that idealistic approaches should be avoided and instead only those solutions that offer direct benefits should be implemented.

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