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Henkel shares software tool for evaluating the recyclability of packaging

Packaging Solutions

Recyclable packaging is a prerequisite for a functioning circular economy. In order to quickly and reliably determine the recyclability of new packaging, Henkel uses its specially developed software tool EasyD4R. Henkel has now made this assessment tool publicly available on its website at so that more companies and organisations can use it and more easily develop sustainable packaging solutions. ‘We want to promote open collaboration, and accelerate the transition to a circular economy,’ said Dr Thorsten Leopold, head of international packaging development for home care products at Henkel. ‘This can only succeed if all participants along the value chain cooperate – especially with clear definitions and consistent evaluations. By sharing our assessment tool, we want to contribute to the recyclability of packaging.’

The software tool EasyD4R is based on public and recognised criteria catalogues such as those from Plastics Recyclers Europe and is used by Henkel throughout the company. The goal is to quickly and accurately asses the recyclability of packaging already during the early stages of product development. This was confirmed by an independent test completed by Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT. The scientists analysed the evaluation software and its results and compared them with national as well as international standards. The software evaluates the recyclability of packaging based on its composition and the individual weight proportions of the respective components such as basic materials, closures, labels or colours. For all materials in question, the tool stores information on the suitability for identification during sorting, and for processing during recycling. On this basis, EasyD4R shows clear results displayed on a traffic light evaluation system: It provides information on the recyclability of each design as a percentage and the material combinations which can be optimized for recycling. By doing so, it supports the development of sustainable packaging solutions. In its packaging strategy, Henkel has set itself the goal to make all packaging recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025. The proportion of recycled plastic used in packaging for consumer goods products in Europe should increase to 35%.

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